Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Multiple Regression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiple Regression - try ExampleWe use a State-wide data set that includes a record of property crimes rates (CRIMES) as well as a record on per capita income (PINCOME), school dropout rates (DROPOUT), precipitation amounts (PRECIP), percentage of existence aid recipients (PUBAID), population density (DENSITY), public aid for families with kids in terms of dollars received (KIDS), percentage of sluggish workers (UNEMPLOY), percentage of population living in urban areas. The methodology that we use is that of multiple regression abstract to obtain the magnitude and signs of the coefficients and t and F-tests obtain whether the respective coefficients are pregnant, individually, or conjointly. The regression equation we see is the following (1) Results In this section we present the results of the analysis. Table 1 presents the results of the estimation of equation (1). Table 1 Results of simple OLS regression, all variables included Before interpreting the coefficients we look at the individual and joint significances of the estimated coefficients. From the upper berth right hand panel we take that F(8, 41) = 11.43 and probF =0.000. Recall that the null assumption of the f-test is that all coefficients are jointly zero. From the computed statistic and the associated p-value we reject the null hypothesis. Thus, at least one of the parameters is non-zero. Now, from the lower panel in table 1 looking at the 3rd column (t-values) and the 4th column (p values) we can identify which coefficients are importantly different from zero. The null hypothesis of the t-test is that the coefficient in question is equal to zero while the alternative hypothesis is that it is non-zero. Recall that the 5% critical value for the two-sided t-test is 1.96. Looking at the elements from column 3 and 4, we limit that only the variables DROPOUT, DENSITY and and URBAN are associated with coefficients that are statistically fundamentally different from zero. We fail to find evid ence in the data that suggests that the null hypothesis is false for the rest of the coefficients as well as the intercept. The upper right hand corner also presents the R-squared and the adjusted R-squared values which show that the fit is flop (anything greater than 50% on these scales is considered decent). In table 2 below, we take a look at whether our results may have been affected by the presence of multi-collnearity. The t-tests of significance showed that there were two significant coefficients and this was still confirmed by the f-test. If multicollinearity is present to any worrisome degree, typically, although the f-test rejects the null, we fail to identify any statistically significant coefficients in the t-test. Thus, there is little evidence of multi-collinearity. Additionally, we also look at the VIFs in table 2 below. Observe that the mean VIF is only 2.46 and the VIF for PINCOME is a bit large (although significantly smaller than 10, the standard index of sever e and worrisome multicollinearity). Table 2 Testing for presence of multi-colinearity, VIFs Now, we rerun the regression incorporating only the significant variables in the specification. The model is specified as follows The results of this regression are presented in table 3. Table 3 Results of OLS estimation including only the significant variables Observe first from the table above that the signs and the significances of the included variables remain the same. That is

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